Test Preparation

Equip your academic journey with our expert test preparation services, designed to optimize your success in high-stakes exams.

Admission Support

Experience the pinnacle of academic support with our expert admission guidance.

Visa Application

Simplify your visa process with our expert assistance, ensuring a hassle-free journey to your international academic destination


We offer valuable scholarship support to ease your educational expenses and advance your academic journey.
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Satisfied Students

Golden years we’ve passed!

We are StudentFolio

Bridging Futures: StudentFolio’s Impact on Thousands of Students

At StudentFolio, we take pride in having served approximately 2000 students through our comprehensive abroad education and test preparation services. This achievement fills us with immense joy, underscoring our commitment to excellence while recognizing the weight of our responsibility.

Trusted Partner: Establishing Trust on Educational Journeys with Comprehensive Support and Guidance
Empowering Dreams:Through our dedicated services, students have been empowered to explore new opportunities and realize their academic aspirations with confidence and clarity.

Explore Our Global Study Destinations

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    We are conveniently located in the heart of Kathmandu, serving students in the vibrant educational landscape of Nepal. Our office is easily accessible, making it convenient for you to connect with us.

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    +977 1 4105073

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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