About us


Welcome to StudentFolio, your dedicated partner on the path to global education. Founded with a commitment to empower aspiring students in achieving their academic dreams, we bring together a team of experienced professionals, a world of opportunities, and a wealth of knowledge to guide you through your study abroad journey.

At StudentFolio, our mission is to make international education accessible and achievable for all. We believe that education has the power to transform lives, and we are here to facilitate that transformation. Our goal is to offer comprehensive support, from admissions to visa applications, test preparation, and scholarship assistance, ensuring that you have the resources and guidance you need to succeed.

Why Us?

Personalized Guiodance
Test Preparation
Scholarships Support
Call to ask any question +97714105073

Nirajan Siwakoti

(Chairman and Founder)

We are a professional abroad education consulting company

StudentFolio stands as a distinguished consultancy dedicated to shaping the academic journey of ambitious students. As a professional education consulting company, we specialize in providing comprehensive guidance for those aspiring to pursue education abroad.


2nd Sep, 2015

Member of FECON, Largest Umbrella Organization of Education Consultant

21st Jul, 2016

Partnerships with SRH Hochschule Berlin

19th Feb, 2017

Partnership for students recruitment with VIA University College, Denmark

2nd Jan, 2020

Awarded by top 10 IELTS test Registration Partner by FECON

22nd Dec, 2023

History to Unite and Inspire People

15th July, 2015

Establishment of StudentFolio

8th Mar, 2016

Test Registration Partner of IDP IELTS

28th Sep, 2016

Test Registration Partner of British Council via FECON

27th Apr, 2018

Partnership with 50+ Colleges in Australia including ANIE, WSC, Trinity, SCCM, Rockford, Blue Lotus etc.

8th May, 2021

Partnership with 25+ Canadian College and Universities

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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